Pro InfirmisProfile
- Organisation for the handicapped
- Networking together of approximately 50 locations throughout Switzerland
- Premises range from a one-desk office to Zürich headquarters with several dozen staff.
- Networking of all 50 locations
- Uniform terminal equipment for all staff – in-house as well as external
- GSM integration
- Simplified communication using appropriate applications (CTI)
- Single-source solution
- Uniform infrastructure and systems, for lower-cost maintenance
Pro Infirmis
Pro Infirmis is the largest professional organisation for handicapped people in Switzerland. It operates as a non-political, non-religious association, and its headquarters are in Zürich.Pro Infirmis provides and facilitates services for handicapped people, as well as for their carers. More than 500 qualified people work for Pro Infirmis. The overwhelming majority of them (approx. 85%) execute work that directly benefits the target group: they are trained specialists who provide services for physically, mentally and psychologically handicapped people, as well as their family circle.
Pro Infirmis originally had an obsolete telephone system, with software updates and spare parts no longer available. In addition, practically every location had its own solution with individual terminal equipment, some of it mutually incompatible and impossible to network together. The objective was to connect all the locations via a common network and provide uniform terminal equipment for staff to use throughout the organisation. Having centralised the IT side, telephony was logically next in line for development.
"A single source solution was one of our top criteria. Aastra had us convinced right at the project tender offer stage. Together with implementation partners Streamline and btc.Jost, the project went ahead quickly and smoothly, and was completed exactly on schedule. We are very happy with our new communication system."
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- Aastra 5000
- 600 5370 and 5370i series terminals
- 200 analogue connections
- Single-source solution
- Centralised maintenance
- Good administration
- Networking of all 50 locations
- Uniform terminal units for all staff
- Clear benefits of CTI
- Great project execution by partners