Sveden WoodProfile
Sveden Wood markets a comprehensive concept from forest services to finished, customized consumer products with customers all over the world. The company consists of three plants, a saw mill, a ruse works with all kinds of specialty products and a plant for building components. There is also a local trade group consisting of five construction and hardware stores in different towns in Sweden.Needs
- Improve communication within geographical locations
- Better customer service
- Data and telephony over the same network

Aastra 700 helped reduce stress at Sveden Wood
Sveden Wood markets a comprehensive concept from forest services to finished, customized consumer products with customers all over the world. The company consists of three plants, a saw mill, a ruse works with all kinds of specialty products and a plant for building components. There is also a local trade group consisting of five construction and hardware stores in different towns in Sweden.
The company decided upon an Aastra 700 solution including contact center, contact management and a voice mail system. The system was very well received by the staff. Earlier some units had no switchboard support at all, now there is a central attendant function with three attendants who service the whole company. Thanks to Mobile Extension everybody are available also when travelling. When not available, the call will be taken care of by the advanced voice mail system. With CMG contact management it is easy to keep track of the colleagues’ presence. Also for system administration there are large improvements. Now moves, adds and changes can be done by just one technician, who also gets comprehensive statistics. The hardware takes very little space and the power consumption of the IP-phones is much lower than on the old digital phones.
"We can really recommend Aastra's solution because we have got exactly what we wanted."
•Aastra 700 (MX-ONE packaging)
•Solidus eCare Contact Center
•Mobile Extension
•OneBox - Voice Mail
•CMG Application Suite
•Central attendant function that serves the entire organization
•Staff are always available, whether in the office or on the go
•Reference-system with absence codes where everyone in a simple way can regulate their availability
•One voice mail - no matter what phone is used
•One number plan even though the company is spread over four different area codes