Exclusive CarsProfile
Swedish company selling and leasing foreign motor vehiclesNeeds
- Strong mobility support
- Better control of mobile-phone costs
Exclusive Cars
Exclusive Cars is a small Swedish company engaged in importing US, European and Japanese SUVs, trucks, sports cars, MPVs and passenger cars for sale or lease – an unusual range of vehicles in Sweden. The company is based in Stockholm and deals in-house with engineering and refurbishment aspects. Its employees have a passion for cars and a personal interest in selling them.Most of its employees are often on the move, so a mobile solution stood at the top of the list when Exclusive Cars began to look for a new, modern telephone system. Previously, the client had a traditional system with DECT functionality, which did not meet all its employees’ individual needs regarding mobility. Those employees who frequently worked outside the office had cell phones, which were expensive to use and were not supported by the company’s telephony system.
"BusinessPhone 8.1 with integrated mobile phones makes it possible for us to be reached at any time and provide good customer service no matter where we are."
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- Aastra BusinessPhone 8.1 with Mobile Extension
- Aastra BusinessPhone Unified Messaging voice mail
- Improved customer service due to menu options and queuing, plus the fact that employees can always be reached
- Easy to install and use
- Significant cost savings over mobile telephony
- Improved efficiency for mobile workforce